simple, straightforward

Become a Member

Donation-based. No contracts. No surprise fees.
17% Discount - one-time payment
Annual Membership

$880 per year

  • $880/yr, that’s $296 in annual savings, no refunds.
  • Unlimited studio reservations at any Black Swan Studio!
  • Discounts on merch and workshops
  • No donations necessary when you attend class
  • A community. We’re all in this sweaty mess together.
Monthly auto-draft
Monthly Membership

$49 1st month

  • $49 for the first month, cancel anytime (at least 5 days in advance, no refunds)
  • Unlimited studio reservations at any Black Swan Studio!
  • Discounts on merch and workshops
  • No donations necessary when you attend class
  • A community. We’re all in this sweaty mess together.
No Commitment, No Refunds
Single Month


  • One Payment of $128 (no commitment, no refunds)
  • Unlimited studio reservations at any Black Swan Studio!
  • No donations necessary when you attend class
  • A community. We’re all in this sweaty mess together.
  • Enjoy all Black Swan Yoga has to offer, risk-free